Mixed media

Serie Y-13
Gående by/ Walking city

Villa Rotanda
Lavering/pen and wash
32,8 x 43xcm

Storby. Etter Fritz Lang/ Big city. After Fritz Lang
Lavering/pen and wash
40,4×39,3 cm

Gående by I. Etter Ron Herron / Walking city I. After Ron Herron
Lavering/pen and wash
37,7 x 47,6 cm

Wacker Drive Chicago
Lavering/pen and wash
46,3×37,2 cm

Gående by II. Etter Ron Herron/ Walking city II. After Ron Herron
Lavering/pen and wash
28,6 x 40,5xcm

Serie Y-2013A

Interior I
Mixed media on paper, framed
Size: 54 x 74 cm
Interior II
Mixed media on paper, framed
Size: 51 x 82 cm
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